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Get this great product here: Premium Bamboo Mattress Pad Protector Cover by Coop Home Goods


When my daughter recently got sick and we had to strip down her bed to the mattress in the middle of the night, I realized I really needed a backup mattress protector, so I was happy to try out this Premium Bamboo Mattress Pad Protector Cover by Coop Home Goods.  I have to say I am so impressed with this product.  From the moment I opened up the plastic zippered case and took out the mattress pad, I was amazed at how extremely soft the bamboo material is.  I’ve never seen such a soft, almost plush, material on a mattress protector.  Having such nice material under the fitted sheet certainly makes the bed feel even more comfortable.


The mattress pad fit very easily onto our twin mattress – the elastic portion was easy to stretch out and has plenty of material to fit over even a thick or pillow-top mattress type.  Sometimes this fabric on mattress pads can be so thin that it is easy to accidentally rip, but this one seems very sturdy, so I think it will stand up well over time.


On the opposite of the soft bamboo fabric is a waterproof layer.  This to me is essential in a mattress pad to protect the expensive mattress from any material that may be spilled as well as from general buildup of dirt and sweat over time.  My kids don’t have any allergy issues yet, but my husband and I both do, so I also like that it blocks allergens from getting through to the mattress.  On some mattress pads, this waterproof portion can be kind of stiff and even make weird noises when you move around on it, but this one so far is great in that regard as well.


All in all I’d say this is a top quality mattress pad protector and I’m sure we’ll enjoy using it for a long time to come.
I’m very glad that I was able to receive this as a free promotional sample in order to evaluate and provide my honest review.

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