Reviews of lots of very cool products!

Simien Rubber Twist Bar

Get this great product here: Simien Rubber Twist Bar


I’ve been dealing on and off for the last couple years with discomfort in my arms and hands, including some RSI issues and tendonitis in both elbows.  I did a round of physical therapy and one of the items I used during sessions at the PT office was  thick rubber grip bar that I would rotate as instructed by the therapist.  I liked that exercise, but was unable to do it at home, so when I saw the Simien ArmBar on Amazon, I was really intrigued, thinking it looked very similar to what I used during PT.  Now that I’ve tried out the Simien product, I’m really impressed.  The ArmBar base is a thick blue cylinder, made of a sturdy rubber and with a ridged texture along the outside that makes it easy to maintain a firm grip.  What makes the design on this so clever is that this cylinder is hollow, and included with the product are three different rubber core inserts, which easily slide into the hole in the cylinder.  It comes with the yellow one inserted already – this is the easiest and provides 5 lbs of resistance.  Also included are green (10 lbs) and dark blue (15 lbs), which I will try to work my way up to using.

I’m really pleased with the detailed insert included with the product, which gives clear picture and text instructions for a range of different exercises, including ones specifically targeted for tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow.  I’ve been doing the exercises for several days now – it’s really too soon to see results, but I intend to keep doing this to help strengthen my arms and hands and try to help avoid additional flare ups.


A nice unexpected surprise is that the pamphlet also includes instructions on how to use the ArmBar for massage of the wrist and fingers.  This is done by simply placing the bar on a solid surface, putting my hand on top of it, and then rolling back and forth so that the ridged surface presses into the skin.  This is a great way to relieve tension in my hands after computer use – I’m so glad they included this as I wouldn’t have thought of it on my own!
I’m very glad that I was able to order this at a promotional discount in order to evaluate and provide my honest review.

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